Services: in-person or Virtual
Individual office assessment
1 Hour
Assessment of the engineering and design of workspace
Posture and body mechanics training
Instruction on how to correctly interface with equipment and evaluation of appropriate equipment for the tasks required of the job
Product recommendations and evaluations—assist companies with guidance in purchasing equipment with vendors
Tips on healthy work habits
Exercises tailored to worker
Follow-up assessments
Worker’s compensation assessments for insurance companies available
Virtual assessments
Custom price packages available for multiple staff
Industrial and Manufacturing Assessment
2+ Hours
Assessment of the engineering and design of equipment
Posture and body mechanic training for workers
Back care and lifting techniques for workers
Instruction on how to correctly interface with equipment
Exercises tailored to job/worker
Tips on healthy work habits
Worker’s compensation assessments for insurance companies available
Group Training
1 or 2 hour sessions
Up to 25 per class
Posture and body mechanic training
Office workstation setup for worker self-correction
Tips on healthy work habits
Back care and lifting techniques
Eye care tips for computer use
Stress management
Relaxation techniques
Train the Trainer
Train specific employees to identify ergonomic hazards and make preliminary adjustments